Experts view the Chinese annum
Of 1934
As something of a phantom,
Its months were incredibly large.
Some can't believe their ears
To hear the Red Army had a Long "March"
That lasted nearly two years.

In 1949, all over the land,
The Communists took command.
Their leader was Mao,
And how!

His profusion of vultures
Led to a Revolution of Cultures...
Some say he was the cause
Of over a billion dead,
While others insist it was
Only hundreds of millions instead.

Mao's death necessitated
A national loss of face,
And when the mourners contemplated
The disgrace
Of their waxy Chairman displayed for eternity
In a Mao jacket,
They asked concernedly:
"Does this put him in a different age bracket?"



Martin Luther King had a dream
That tolerance is IN you,
That you can help to form a human team
(Regardless of your skin hue).

Gandhi was his antecedent
For being civilly disobedient
To ensure that racism flounders:
With sit-ins at lunch counters,
Taking rightful places in buses,
Being the one who quietly discusses,
Standing before police
(Withstanding pressurized hoses),
Handing people roses,
And preaching the gospel of peace.

Others wouldn't take the oppression in silence,
And some of them turned (of course) to violence.

But the most violent release
Of hate we had to see
Happened (to one who had peace
As his emphasis)
On a balcony
In Memphis.